HIGGENS Grave Stones |
The following are on this page as the Wife’s Maiden name or previous married name belongs on this page. Often the husbands details are included. |
MORISON, Edith: 1873 - 1950 {also on Morrison grave stone page}
Edith Higgens married Kenneth Morrison
MORRISON, Kenneth: July 28, 1850 - June 20, 1931 {also on Morrison grave stone page}
Kenneth Morrison Respected Pioneer Merchant, Is Dead Native of P.E.I., Came to Grande Prairie Before the Railway The death occurred on Saturday June 20th of one of the oldest and most respected of the old timers of the Grande Prairie district, when Kenneth Morison Pioneer Merchant succumbed to an illness which had lasted for some months. Mr. Morrison who lacked only a few weeks of being 81 years of age, had been active in management of his line of general stores until a comparatively short time ago, when a decline in health compelled him to relinquish active work. Death was due to a natural decline. Kenneth Morrison was born near Charlottetown, P.E.I. July 28 1850, of Scottish decent, both his parents being native born Canadians whose family origin was the land of cakes and heather. His early life was spent in and near Charlottetown in the general stores business and in 1908 he came to Western Canada, first entering business at Spring Lake, Alberta, where he remained for seven years. He then went to British Columbia spending three years at the coast and five years at Grand Forks, following which in 1918 he came to the Peace River country. His first place of business was at Bezanson, where he opened a store pending the final location of the end of steel at Grande Prairie, when he removed his place and erected a handsome brick store, which he has successfully conducted with the able assistance of Mrs. Morrison and his sons. During the last three years the business has been expanded to include other stores at surrounding pints, one of these being managed by his youngest son Ivan at DeBolt. He is survived by Mrs. Morrison and two sons and two daughters Hector Ivan and Marion at home and Mrs. E. H. Leslie at Glen Leslie. The high respect and esteem in which Mr. Morrison was generally held was shown when all plces of business in town where closed during the time of his funeral, which took place from the United Church on Tuesday afternoon, the service being conducted by Rev. Nelson Chappel, assisted by Rev. J.E. McNeil of Clairmont. The casket was banked with floral tokens of love and affection from many friends and many who could not find room inside the church stood outside during the service and until the cortege finally started to Glen Leslie cemetery, where interment took place. Grande Prairie Daily Herald-Tribune - Friday June 26, 1931 |
Block 13, Lot 5 & 6