HILZ Grave Stones

HILZ, Alexander Michael: June 17, 1969 - February 28, 1985

Alexander Michael Hilz
   Scholarship set up in Hilz name
   A memorial scholarship has been established at St. Joseph high school in honor of honors student Alexander Michael Hilz, 15, who died Thursday following a skiing accident at the Nitehawk ski hill.
   Classes have been cancelled this afternoon at the school to allow his fellow students to attend the funeral at St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church. The ski hill has been closed for the day.
   The boy was pronounced dead at Queen Elizabeth II hospital about two hours after the accident. The case has been referred to a medical examiner in Edmonton to determine the cause of death.
   A hospital spokesman said that the attorney general's department will have to rule on whether an inquest will be held on the incident.
   Donations to the scholarship can be made at the high school.
CLIPPED FROM - The Daily Herald-Tribune, Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada, 05 Mar 1985, Tue - Page 3
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